
词库 2024-05-03 11:44:41 413

虚拟与现实英语作文500词?but that dream made me understand what the virtual world really means. In fact,其实说起来或许你们不会相信,不过我还是想告诉你。说起来就话长了,在以前我和你们一样都以为虚拟世界是网络世界,那么,虚拟与现实英语作文500词?一起来了解一下吧。





The virtual life feelings and in real life does not adapt

The virtual life is the ideal world, everyone in the ideal world is

different. Appropriate imagine the happiness of the virtual world can comfort

your heart, but too much addiction is to escape and the choice of cowardice.

Everyone has his own ideal of the world, no one can stick hit him. But is the

virtual virtual, should face the reality, because of difficult, can not cowardly

escape, so we are weak. Virtual is good, but the reality is it is not a plate of

delicious dishes.





The two great inventions, computer and Internet, have been developing at a surprising speed in the past half century. At present, a virtual world has been built roughly, which is quite different from the former real one.

In virtual world, by the aid of advanced communicating means, people contact each other wider, more convenient and much cheaper than those in real life. Never could I, a Chinese, imagine that I’m able to talk with my American friend free across the Pacific in traditional society. It seems that the virtual world is smaller than the real one.

What’s more, it’s shown on screen and heard from earpiece rather than being touchable that everything in virtual dimension is possible not to be real, as a famous saying among cyber worms, “Nobody knows you are a dog.” Speech freedom is enough, though, netizens suppose it necessary to keep private matters secret.

What is done can’t be undone in real life, in addition, and yet you can find it possible to revive yourself in computer games and to restore deleted documents in virtual office. What we have done can be rescued in virtual world.

Nowadays, the two dimensions are combined closer and closer. In my opinion, keeping a balance and living a colorful life seems to be our goal.





The two great inventions, computer and Internet, have been developing at a surprising speed in the past half century. At present, a virtual world has been built roughly, which is quite different from the former real one.

In virtual world, by the aid of advanced communicating means, people contact each other wider, more convenient and much cheaper than those in real life. Never could I, a Chinese, imagine that I’m able to talk with my American friend free across the Pacific in traditional society. It seems that the virtual world is smaller than the real one.

What’s more, it’s shown on screen and heard from earpiece rather than being touchable that everything in virtual dimension is possible not to be real, as a famous saying among cyber worms, “Nobody knows you are a dog.” Speech freedom is enough, though, netizens suppose it necessary to keep private matters secret.

What is done can’t be undone in real life, in addition, and yet you can find it possible to revive yourself in computer games and to restore deleted documents in virtual office. What we have done can be rescued in virtual world.

Nowadays, the two dimensions are combined closer and closer. In my opinion, keeping a balance and living a colorful life seems to be our goal.


摘要:虚拟现实技术是计算机图形环境和电子外设产生逼真的视觉,听觉,触觉,部队和其他伪三维的物质环境的意识。 VRML is for real-time roaming the virtual reality modeling language. VRML的是实时漫游虚拟现实建模语言的时间。 This paper introduces the concept of virtual reality technology, technical features, applications and VRML concept, development and construction, and discusses the application of VRML virtual reality technology in an important position.本文介绍了虚拟现实技术的概念,技术特点,应用及VRML的概念,发展和建设,并讨论了在重要位置,VRML的虚拟现实技术的应用。 Keywords: computer; virtual reality; VRML:A virtual reality technology关键词:计算机,虚拟现实VRML的:一个虚拟现实技术

1.1 The concept of virtual reality technologyVirtual Reality (Viamal Reality) technology is 90 years since the 20th century, the rise of a new information technology, is a new form of human-computer interface. 1.1虚拟现实概念technologyVirtual现实(Viamal现实)技术是90年以来的20世纪,一个新的信息技术的兴起,是一个人机界面的新形式。

以上就是虚拟与现实英语作文500词的全部内容,行了,你没那么容易上当! 你能分清好坏人,对吧?当然,现实生活中我能!但在网络虚拟空间中,难说。真拿你没辙!现在我得上网会朋友了。 再见!摘自《情景美国口语》里的一篇对话。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
