
名言名句 2024-07-19 12:49:38 338

惊喜不断用英语怎么说?12、愿你在端午这个特别的日子里,好运连连,惊喜不断。 May you have good luck on the special day of Dragon Boat Festival. 13、愿你度过这美好的一切,端午节快乐。 I wish you all the best and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival. 14、那么,惊喜不断用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


一、"Wind in the Willows" 读后感

This is a lovely, beautiful, fun, friendship, children's story books, this article brings us to this immense willow forest, and we are like the inhabitants of the woods, in this willow forest, and happily live. The author is a well-known British writer, Kenneth. Graham.

Story takes place in a colorful river shore. Mole, river rats, toads there are badger that takes me four small animals into a beautiful river, busy roads, quiet forests and a fierce war.

Mole in the river shore of the river encountered no acquaintance rats, can be two strangers are playing a greeting, became good friends with them boating, chat, swim, spend a lot of good time. Later they met with an ugly appearance, but helpful to spend a lot of toads they love, but also, and unsociable, but able-bodied old badger became good friends. They talked and laughed together, of course, when there are quarrels. But one day evil of the weasels and ferrets away with the play of their toad estate, four partners, very angry, they join forces to get rid of the weasels and ferrets, recaptured toads estate, from toad no longer proud of self - big and bad spending habits, and become very humble.

Author of this article around the house through the atmosphere is described in great detail and warm, let us create a home atmosphere where once again feel the warm love of a small story. 4 hero character in the story are very different but lovely, kind, helpful, brave, very united and friendly, I like this book, there is this book four cute little animals: the badger Laochengchizhong, good Dunhou water in mice, hard working mole, as well as the toad Vagrant uninhibited. This book tells us: everyone should unite, and the classmates, friends, friendship, helping each other, so as to catch a major event! 二、"Wind in the Willows" 读后感

"Wind in the Willows" is a fun fairy tale novel. Read the "Wind in the Willows" In the future, I think the toad on the correct mental errors we should learn.

In an early summer morning, living in the river or a big forest, mole, river rats, toads and live happily with the old badger. However, the toads because of love of bragging, smell significantly, doing things without considering the consequences, and the waves from the bedroom to escape, car theft and sentenced to imprisonment, escape, fled, was pursued and so on, repeatedly get into trouble.

Friends to help him, educate him, taking great pains to try every means to him carefully taught, by every means of persuasion and education, toads and finally realizing that he is indeed a mistake and doing something stupid again. Soon after, toad house was occupied weasels, they unite and work together to overcome the weasel with wisdom. Toad this was deeply moved and determined to correct the defects found and turned into a good toad. He does not become like a big toad.

We should learn from the toad dares to admit mistakes and correct their mistakes spirit. I should take this as a lesson in time to correct their shortcomings and mistakes, to be a cute and boast a good kid.

编辑于 2013-05-19















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Louzhu,hello,i am Kobe Byant.Now let me tell you hao to become

a famous and distinished basketball player.

When I was young,my favorite Sports is basketball. It looks so cool in TV that I was crazy about those basketball stars like JORDON ever since I was little.

Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump, switch, and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that I’m like wind flying in the playground for my goal, which makes me feel so GREat!

Basketball needs quick reaction and decision. When chance comes, it may disappear in the next second. I should keep an eye watching as an eagle, decide and judge quickly as a leopard, and run for it as a wolf.

Further more, basketball is a sports more than just exercising, It needs team work. No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I should understand what my teammate doing and what he needs me to do for him. On the other side, I should learn to show my teammate what I need. At the same time, I need to keep an eye on the whole game, knowing how is the situation of our team and how is the other team. It involved more cooperation and strategy.

I played basketball more for about 30 years now. I make many good friends throught this sports. It is proud to win honor for my team and my NBA Also I enjoy all games with my friends. Basketball will be my best friends in the future and my best memory aboutlife.

To become it,it seem so difficult.

Today,start from the basis of practicing, high dribble, low dribble, dribble move, and change to dribble, pull the ball, under cross-dribble, dribble behind waist Rao Central, in turn, and so ... at least more than one training , and then began practicing three-step layup, layup and low-master hand layup, the final practice shooting!

I will tell you something about basketball and his history.

Early in December 1891 in the U.S. city of Springfield, Mass. Young Men's Christian Association of the International Training School (later to Springfield College), from the school physical education teachers, Dr. James Naismith invented, then only 13 of the rules of basketball, Dr. Naismith 1939 death of 78-year-old throughout the year. He never thought he created basketball in more than 200 countries have been on the market, but also has American Basketball Awards. To commemorate Dr. Naismith invented basketball achievements in the Springfield College campus built in the United States Basketball Hall of Fame - James Naismith Memorial Hall.

At first, the Naismith nailed two peach baskets in the other room keys are on the railing of the stands, the peach basket on the ground along the distance 3.04 meters, with football as a tool game, throwing to the basket. Have a ball into the basket, how many points decided by the outcome. Each ball into the basket, Pa Tizi the ball out to be re-started race. After the baskets will be gradually replaced by live at the end of the iron basket, and then read the following Tiequan linked network.

In 1893 to form a modern approximation of the rebounds, and the Nets ring. The original game of basketball, playing on the number, size of the venue, the game was no strict time limit. Just the two sides to participate in the competition must be equal to the number of people. Game, the two players were standing on both ends of the line, and referee Mingshao seen hurling the ball in the middle course, both inside and ran toward the ball, the game started. Ball can be shot with the ball and ran toward the basket, first of all achieve the target score for victory.In 1892, Naismith developed 13 rules, the main provisions of the ball are not allowed to run, are not allowed to have a rough actions are not allowed to use the ball in boxing, this would be in consecutive sentence fouls 3 fouls a negative sub-contractors; time for the game , The second half, 15 minutes; on the size of the venues are on. Gradually reduce the number of people playing games for each team and 10, 9, 7, 1893 as each team playing 5.

Everything is here,adopt me,or you will be a dog.





Christmas time is here。 I hope you have a happy New Year, may every day hold happy hours for you!


The stars to quietly across like my tears drop! Just want to say a word: merry Christmas!


May the Christmas candle /ping you peace and joy, wish your Christmas and New Year filled with love。


I have a wish: Christmas Eve! I hope to have you by my side! Dinner together with me!





有关经典英语美文:The Road to Success

It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinatepositions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrustupon them at the very threshold of their career. They were introduced to the broom, and spentthe first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors andjanitresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch ofbusiness education. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boywho has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom.It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary. I was one of thosesweepers myself.

Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is “aimhigh”. I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partneror the head of an important firm. Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as headclerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive. Say toyourself, “My place is at the top.” Be king in your dreams.

And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy,thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun inone line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have thebest machinery, and know the most about it.

The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they havescattered their brains also. They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here there, andeverywhere. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” is all wrong. I tell you to “put all your eggsin one basket, and then watch that basket.” Look round you and take notice, men who do thatnot often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too manybaskets that breaks most eggs in this country. He who carries three baskets must put one onhis head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. One fault of the American businessman is lackof concentration.

To summarize what I have said: aim for the highest; never enter a bar room; do not touchliquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cashfund; make the firm’s interest yours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put allyour eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly, benot impatient, for as Emerson says, “no one can cheat you out of ultimate success butyourselves.”






A heart hangs on you, a love bless you, a true feeling is waiting for your response. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


With the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, my blessings are coming, and I wish you a happy and happy Dragon Boat Festival.


The Dragon Boat Festival arrives, hangs the sachet, eats the zongzi, every household is really lively!


Remember: when you smile, my world smiles. Wish Dragon Boat Festival happy!


Eat zongzi, send blessings, live happily and riches! Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


The Dragon Boat Festival is here. I wish you a happy holiday and eat more zongzi!


